A Defensive investor understands that their investments need to grow but is more concerned about not losing money. The Realm Defensive Strategy is designed for an investor with a time horizon of more than 5 years and a minimal tolerance for risk, who does not wish to expose their portfolios to major capital disruption.
Cautious investors look to grow their investments but do not want to be in a position where a significant part of their wealth is at risk. They have a low tolerance for risk and do not wish to expose their portfolios to major capital disruption or volatility.
A Balanced investor likes to spread their risk but is also willing to commit to a strategy if it means they can achieve a reasonable profit. They understand that if markets experience a weak period they should be able to recover losses in the longer term as their exposure should be spread and somewhat limited.
Active investors try to achieve a significant investment return knowing that they have to accept an above-average investment risk. They prefer bigger investment decisions that, if correct, could really improve their position and hope that if markets go against them, decisions can be taken reasonably swiftly to reduce their exposure to further capital loss.
Aggressive investors look for significant investment returns in a fairly short period of time. They also accept that such a strategy could return greater losses if markets unexpectedly turn lower. Their philosophy is that one has to "speculate to accumulate" and that losses can be regained if time and good judgement are on their side.
Our Income portfolio is suitable for an investor who is looking to secure a long-term regular income stream and can accept a higher degree of investment risk than conventional time deposit savings accounts. The strategy is designed to invest in companies from around the world that can deliver sustainable regular investment income that will support the investor's expenditure needs over time.
Thomas House, 84 Eccleston Square,
London SW1V 1PX
020 3966 2749
Realm Investment Management Limited is directly Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under registration number 803673.
The value of your investments can go up as well as down and you may get back less than you originally invested.
Thomas House, 84 Eccleston Square,
Victoria, London SW1V 1PX
Realm Investment Management is the trading name of Realm Investment Management Ltd. Realm Investment Management Limited is directly Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under registration number 803673.
The value of your investments can go up as well as down and you may get back less than you originally invested.